Mikron acquired the Italian rotary transfer CNC manufacturer DM2

05 Februar 2024

The Mikron Group acquired DM2, a Italian manufacturer of rotary transfer CNC machines. With this acquisition Mikron aims to strengthen its position and gain market share in specific applications not yet covered by the Mikron portfolio.

DM2’s product portfolio concentrates on the manufacture of larger parts with focus on fittings and valves applications. The acquisition of DM2 by Mikron ensures the continuity of DM2's business activities as a succession plan for the company's owner Gianfranco Duina, who founded DM2 in 1985.


"This acquisition supports Mikron Machining's long-term strategy of offering more options in the rotary transfer machine sector. DM2's product portfolio complements Mikron’s, and the skills and experience of DM2's colleagues align with and enrich ours. Both companies specialize in very demanding applications where precision and productivity are crucial in order to provide the customer with a sustainable return on investment," says Matteo Castiglioni, Head of the Mikron Machining Division, Agno (Ticino).

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